Option 4: Value-returning
In programming, a method is a named section of codes that perform a specific task. This is possible to define a method that return a value after performing its task. This type of method is known as Value-returning method.
For example, we can define a method addition that takes two inputs, x, y and return the summation of x + y to the code that called it. The codes are as follows:
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- int sum = addition(3, 5);
- }
- public static int addition(int x, int y){
- return x + y;
- }
If you want to support green computing, the most basic thing you can do is reduce your brightness. More light equals more energy consumption. That's why there are websites that are made as exact copies of other websites except they're entirely black because the color black spends less energy. You can also try to fix your things when they get broken instead of throwing them away instantly and buying a new one.
Depending on the data all answers can be used to make it easier to read. Without more info I would go with Borders (D) since they are the best way to group the data when printed, especially if the print is in color.
Alignment would be the correct answer only if the data goes out of cell boundaries. Font Color usually makes it harder to read because of bad contrast and finally changing the Font Style has a minimal effect since the default one is already pretty readable.