a. Protected
b. Public
There are four acess modifier in Java.
Default: Acessible only within the same package.
Public: Can be acessed by any class.
Private: Acessible only within the class.
For example, you have a class employee and a private method. This method can only be accessed by an object that is an instance of an employee.
Protected: Used in classes that extend each other. For example, a class of employees would extend employee.
a. A class Employee records the name, address, salary, and phone number.
The best acesses modifier is protected. A class may extended employee but have the same arguments(name, adress, salary, phone number), so it should also have acess to the method.
b. An adding method inside of a class BasicMath.
This method can be used in a variety of packages and projects and classes... and there is no important information regarding security. So the best method is public.