Sour receptors occur primarily along the sides of the tongue and are stimulated mainly by acids. Salt receptors are most common in the tip and upper front portion of the tongue. They are stimulated mainly by inorganic salts. Bitter receptors are located toward the back of the tongue
hopefully this helps but i could be really wrong lol
One of the reasons for the success of the smallpox eradication campaign was that small pox only occurred in humans. Smallpox is an extremely contagious and deadly virus for which there is no known cure. it is caused by two variants, Variola major and Variola minor. it is a disease of the past that was eliminated by worldwide vaccination.
Unicellular - composed of only one cell.
multicellular - composed of multiple cells.
d. if my hypothesis is correct, I can expect certain test results
To create a theory is not enough to state an assumption. Called scientific research, the practice tries, through a logical procedure, to produce tested, proven and safe scientific knowledge. This concept is based on the logic of scientific research that states that a hypothesis must be tested, because if the hypothesis is correct, certain test results can be expected. For this, some rules or phases are part of the process. And they are: observation, hypotheses, research method and conclusion.
Thus, we can conclude that among the alternatives presented, the one that best describes the logic of scientific investigation is the letter D.
Nah snap d-mb lol thanks for the points tho