This is one of the most famous lines in Shakespeare's work. <em> "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark "</em> refers both to the spiritual and political corruption in Denmark. The new king, Claudius, obtained the throne by murdering his brother. Moreover, he is in incestuous marriage with Gertrude. The king is obviously more concerned with keeping the plot against his brother a secret, than actually ruling the country. Hamlet himself makes a similar remark in Act I, Scene II, comparing his country to a neglected garden: <em>"Tis an unweeded garden." </em>
The most obvious fault of this paragraph is the lack of punctuation marks. The entire paragraph is one sentence, when there are supposed to be periods, commas, and other punctuation marks to separate them. This makes this paragraph one run-on sentence, which is grammatically incorrect.
It seems to be called a Story within story, which is when a character within the lager story narrates a story of their own. I hope that wasn't to cofusing.It was all I could find.
Mark... romans...esther...?
These are the only ones I could think, of that could fit...?
Hope I helped it some way( maybe got you an idea..)