Answer: You can know if you have differentiated products if we have a quality that stands out from the other competitors.
For example: Our service time is less than the competition and we also give gifts to our buyers, things that the competition does not do.
The basis for differentiation is to look for that quality that the competition does not have and that adds value to what we are doing.
Dye trucking raised $85 million to buy stock
After the recap Dye's stock price is $8.50
Dye share had 70 million share before the recap
Therefore the number of shares present after the recap can be calculated as follows
= 70,000,000-(85,000,000/8.50)
= 70,000,000-10,000,000
= 60,000,000
Hence the number of shares after the recap is 60,000,000
Enabling them to purchase capital and use it as they fit. having the rights means they can use the property for martgage and raise loans,or show as an asset and acquire capital on its worth. they can sublet the property and get resources from the rent as well
b. $2,000
The computation of the interest amount is shown below:
= Sale value of goods × rate of interest × (number of months ÷ total number of months in a year)
= $40,000 × 10% × (6 months ÷ 12 months)
= $2,000
The 6 months is calculated from June 30 to December 31.
So, the b option is correct and rest options are wrong.