being killed
bc people might not like the way they do things
I believe the answer is: controlling ideas
Controlling ideas refers to influencing the general perception that held by other people. This action is most commonly done by monarchies in order to gain support from the citizens to do a certain action.
It also often used to subsequently send a message that government/nobles have higher status in that society that granted them more rights to influence their society.
The process that would allow skeptics to assess the reliability of these findings would be if a group of scientists carried out scientific research with the same variables and demonstrated the same result that proved that vaccines cause autism, based on scientific and testable facts.
In 1998 a British doctor named Dr. Andrew Wakefield stated in a scientific paper published in England that Autism could be caused by the triple viral vaccine, but this is not true because many other scientific researches were carried out to confirm this statement, and it was clear just the opposite, that vaccines cannot cause autism. In addition, it was also shown that the study author had serious problems in the methodology of how the study was carried out and had proven conflicts of interest in court. The doctor was guilty of ethical, medical and scientific misconduct for publishing a fraudulent study.
For this reason, for people who do not believe that vaccines cause autism to start believing, it would be necessary for a group of scientists to carry out scientific research with a correct methodology, with testable variables and all demonstrate the same result that could be proven by scientific facts.
Memory Loss.
This is because it said "Maria still does extremely well in school. However, she has a hard time remembering everyday activities and things that happened to her in the past." So, it says she has a hard time remembering. This usually happens from Memory Loss.
I hope this helps! :)