Consent is NOT given if:
- A person simply states no; no is a clear given answer that consent is not being specified.
- A delay in speech, a stutter or hesitation.
- The person is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, that may make them react differently than normal.
- The person is very slowed and tired, closing their eyes while speaking, laying down, etc.
Consent IS given if:
- When asked the person says yes quickly, eagerly, and is not under the influence of any brain altering drug or alcohol.
- The person appears wide awake, does not slur or stutter, and makes best attempt to show they are interested.
Respuesta y explicación:
El sondeo vesical, más conocido como sondaje vesical, es una técnica invasiva de gran utilidad médica en la que al paciente se le introduce una sonda desde el meato uretral hasta la vejiga urinaria.
Ésta práctica tiene diversos fines, tanto terapéuticos como diagnósticos, ya que es de vital importancia a la hora de facilitar la salida de la orina en los casos donde el paciente presenta una uretra o vejiga obstruida, o bien para acompañar una mejor recuperación del paciente durante el postoperatorio de intervenciones quirúrgicas. Además, el sondaje vesical es de utilidad para llevar un correcto control de la diuresis del paciente.
Health education is a field of study that focuses on the role of health in population growth and development. It includes physical, mental, and spiritual emotional, intellectual health.
Its aim is to address the issue of illness, death, malnutrition, and rising health care costs. People who study health education are well aware of the fact of population growth and depletion of resources.
Health education suggests that the increase in population growth has resulted in the overuse of resources around the world and this impacts the availability of groundwater and changes in the climate of countries.
Air pollution and rising food consumption patterns around the world show generation of wastes and contamination of the environment.
Learn more about the people who get health education are aware of problems of population growth and environment degradation.
OK so I believe the answer will be B. because they never really give you all the information but they will give you the core info.
Answer: Stefania can start a diet, do exercise, try diet pills, or go to a doctor for options! :D