Wasn't one of them the 9/11 attack?
education and the workplace
The women were not allowed to have the same opportunities in life as men in most of the societies, as the societies had their own rules as what was a man suppose to do, and what was a woman suppose to do. With the women managing to gain their rights gradually, their lives started to quickly change, as they were presented with new opportunities in life, especially on professional level. The women were allowed to have full education, not only basic one, which of course made them more knowledgeable in numerous things. There were jobs opened up for them after they finished education, so they came into a situation to make a career. That resulted in bigger economic independence of the women, which also changed their social status and made them equal to the men.
The modern-art movements and the communication needs of world war affected the approach to poster design. The shift from naturalism, which began with Henri Toulouse-Lautrec, continued with the work of James Pryde and William Nicholson during their brief advertising career. But it was Lucian Bernhard who inspired the design approach that emerged in Germany early in the twentieth century known as plakatstil also known as Sachplakat which was started by Lucian in which a new poster style of art began in the early 1890's and originated out of Germany which has characteristics of bold eye catching lettering with flat colors.
The Columbian exchange and Atlantic slave trade are most directly responsible for major population migrations in 1700.
Originally Medusa was described as one of the most beautiful mortal women, but Poseidon raped her in Athena's temple. Athena turned Medusa into the creature to protect her from being able to be taken advantage of again. No man would be able to see her beauty anymore.