They have only been provided and taught certain things, and only ever seen one point of view.
Since birth, their minds have adapted to everything their parents, teachers, friends, etc., have said and thought, so they've only got to see the answers one way. I don't know if this makes sense but hopefully it does?
This statement is true. Containment was indeed the policy of stopping communism from expanding to other countries. It was more like a military strategy to keep or stop the enemy from expansion. It was known as the Cold War and to prevent communism to spread worldwide.
Answer: Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co. Vs. Sawyer
In 1952, during the Korean War, Pres. Truman authorized an executive order directing Secretary of Commerce Charles Sawyer to seize the majority of the nation's steel mills for gov operation. This was issue was taken to the Supreme Court and ruled unconstitutional.