10010101 = 149;
01110110 = 118;
00110011 = 51;
11100010 = 226;
10000001 = 129;
To convert binary numbers you can use this formula:
, where position of the bit₀ is the rightmost digit of the number.
Results, using the formula:
10010101 = 1*2⁰+1*2²+1*2⁴+1*2⁷ = 1 + 4 + 16 + 128 = 149.
01110110 = 1*2¹+1*2²+1*2⁴+1*2⁵+1*2⁶ = 118;
00110011 = 1*2⁰+1*2¹+1*2⁴+1*2⁵ = 51;
11100010 = 1*2¹+1*2⁵+1*2⁶+1*2⁷ = 226;
10000001 = 1*2⁰+1*2⁷ = 129;
<em>Note:</em> All bits in 0 multiplied by any number are 0.