They didn't want their children to go to school with a black child. Ruby showed bravery by walking to school with federal marshals who were there to keep her safe. She showed bravery by going to school each day even though many white parents didn't want her there.
Soon after the first Europeans set foot in Northern America they encountered tribes of Native Americans. The tribes that were initially contacted were from the Algonquian group of Native Americans. The Europeans though used the term Powhatan for all of them, despite the Powhatan just being part of them. This group of Native Americans lived mostly in Northern Carolina and Virginia, and were people that were engaged in agriculture and had settled lifestyle. They were actually very helpful to the Europeans as they were the ones that helped them survive throughout he winters and thought them how to grow the native crops, but that lasted for short time and things escalated between the two unfortunately.
The answer is ice storms. According to wiki
If the value of the dollar falls, the United States can afford fewer goods and services from other countries, This decreases in the exchange value of the American dollar affect the ability of the United States to trade with other nation.
- When the US government makes their trade and supply they will create a demand for their products and dollars. While people are buying goods from their market their dollar rate will increases.
- If their product was not on high demand automatically the dollar value will go down. When the dollar value goes down the import of the country will make difficult.
- They need to import with a high amount when compared to the period of high demand in dollars or else they will import in less quantity.