This idea was reflected in the work of
John Locke who was an English philosopher.
John Lock who was born in 1632 is arguably one of the most
influential thinkers of the seventeenth century, he is also known as the <span>"Father
of Liberalism". He was an advocate of the free and equal rights for people
as opposed to the popular idea of the time that people are subject to a king or
The Crisis of the Third Century, also known as Military Anarchy or the Imperial Crisis (235–284 AD), was a period in which the Roman Empire nearly collapsed under the combined pressures of barbarian invasions and migrations into the Roman territory, civil wars, peasant rebellions, political instability (with multiple usurpers competing for power), Roman reliance on (and growing influence of) barbarian mercenaries known as foederati and commanders nominally working for Rome (but increasingly independent), plague, debasement of currency, and economic depression.
The Crisis of the Third Century, also known as Military Anarchy or the Imperial Crisis (235–284 AD), was a period in which the Roman Empire nearly collapsed under the combined pressures of barbarian invasions and migrations into the Roman territory, civil wars, peasant rebellions, political instability (with multiple usurpers competing for power), Roman reliance on (and growing influence of) barbarian mercenaries known as foederati and commanders nominally working for Rome (but increasingly independent), plague, debasement of currency, and economic depression.
Lewis and Clarke. Sacajawea was a translator for the people speaking with the tribes.
There would be less slavery and the south would lose the civil war