The essential difference between gross salary and net salary is that, in the first case, the sum of remuneration does not have the social security, public health and tax discounts that are made to each salary by the government. Thus, the gross salary is the sum of money that the employer pays for each worker that he has in activity. In turn, the net salary is the sum of money that the worker receives every month, once said discounts have been made.
The answer would be: <span>rapid growth in buyer demand, high buyer costs to switch brands, and more strongly differentiated products
the factors above will make each competing sellers have a lot of potential customers to work on, which will make them choose to avoid a clash between competitors (which will cost a lot of money) and choose to target different segments of the market instead.</span>
<span>When a person applies his existing his knowledge into his experience then he has achieved a pragmatic view of his knowledge. Any existing thought or idea is waste without applies it into practical life. Therefore, applying the ideas to experience make a person to learn more and enhance his existing knowledge vase.</span>
Humans often use language, the most powerful symbol, to take part in cultural transmission —that is, to share what they know, think, and experience.
<u>Language is one of the most important aspects of human life and experience. </u>It can be expressed in many forms, orally, written, signally, tactile, etc. and it always uses a set of various symbols in different forms.
Language is one of the main qualities of humans as intelligent species, and <u>its sharing, transmission, and development are in charge of developing civilizations</u>. Thanks to the language, people could finally share and develop their ideas, values, and knowledge. With this, they became more intelligent and progressed, managing to increase the improvement of the society.
The Gettysburg Address<span> is a speech delivered by Abraham Lincoln at the November 19, 1863, dedication of Soldier's National Cemetery, a cemetery for Union soldiers killed at the Battle Of </span>Gettysburg<span> during the American Civil War.</span>