Plant products duh(im a vegetarian)
its actually really healthy and is quite easy once u get the hang of it. u end up eating more veggies then u might want but it really healthy and benfits you more than the meat does. ive been a vegetarian forever (never eaten meat before ever) and im athletic and everything just like any other meat eater
Bacteria are a group of single celled organisms that are neither plants or animals.
Bacteria lack cell organelles such as the nucleus and the chlorophyll.
They can be found in many environments and most of them are adapted to survive in extreme environments such as hot-springs where the temperatures are extremely high.
Unlike the plant cell wall, bacterial cell wall has a layer of peptidoglucan which determines their shape. Their cytoplasm contains both DNA and RNA.
Gravity is the cause of glacier motion; the ice slowly flows and changes in response to gravity. A glacier molds itself to the land and also molds the land as it creeps down the valley. Many glaciers slide on their beds, which enables them to move faster.
The muscular system allows for movement within the body, for example, during digestion or urination. Smooth muscles in the gastrointestinal or GI tract control digestion. The GI tract stretches from the mouth to the anus. Food moves through the digestive system with a wave-like motion called peristalsis.