D tab that is the key you would need to use in order to do that
Hey whats up
Count me in chief! I love when fellow user give out mighty points
Sharing network resources requires abiding by certain constraints, as follows:
<span>Security: Organizations present ongoing opportunities for unauthorized shared resources. Security mechanisms should be implemented to provide efficient parameters.Compatibility: Various client-server operating systems may be installed, but the client must have a compatible OS or application to access shared resources. Otherwise, the client may encounter issues that create communication delays and requires troubleshooting.Mapping: Any shared OS hardware drive, file or resource may be accessed via mapping, which requires a shared destination address and naming conventions.<span>File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and File Sharing: FTP is not affected by shared resources because the Internet is FTP’s backbone. File sharing is an LAN concept.</span></span>
DVI is the oldest out of the four.
DVI and VGA are the oldest, but DVI is oldest and least desirable to use since it is outdated.