The reason why Mark Antony first recalls the military background of Caesar before proceeding to show the Roman crowd Caesar’s body is because he wants to manipulate the members of the Roman army, who are in the crowd, by recalling Caesar's military success and thereafter, provoke their emotions by showing them Caesar's stabbed body.
true is so very very basic joke
Psychology and logic,defines rationalization or rationalisation occurs when a controversial behavior is rationally explained in order to make logic to anyone and be easily tolerated , it also associate with informal fallacy of reasoning.
Claiming to be able to find someone a perfect match may seem a bit unbelievable and to make it rational and logical they give a reason why one should trust this by saying they use compatibility information.
The key features of a codified constitution are:
1. Authoritative - A constitution is perceived as a law that is higher than regular legislation.
2. Entrenched - This type of constitution is called entrenched, which means that amending or abolishing it is a very difficult thing to do.
3. Judiciable - Since the constitution is a higher law, other laws can be judged against it, thus it can be seen if they are constitutional.
<u>The Senate</u> is the body of congress that advices and consents or approves nominations.
The Senate is also the body of Congress that must approve any and all treaties negotiated and signed by the President.
The constitution established this body of congress in the legislative branch of government, stating that it should be divided into three classes.
Moreover, the United States Senate is the only legislative body with the authority to try an impeached official. To convict someone who has been impeached, they only need 2/3 of the vote!
However, the only penalty for being impeached is removal from office.
Learn whose power in the Senate equal to the power of the Speaker of the House: