Demonstrate the register addressing mode for the following instructions. Also what addressing mode belongs to these instructions?
1. MOV CX, [BX+DI]
3. MOV BX, [CX+DI+6]
Discretionary Access Control model
Discretionary Access Control (DAC) gives owners of a resource full control of objects/items they have created or been given access to, this also includes sharing the objects/items with other subjects. These owners have control over their data and maintain access through ACLs. The access-control list (ACL), is a list of permissions attached to an object in a computer file system.
The Owners can decide to grant other users access to their files, change their attributes, alter them, or delete them. DACs are discretionary because the owner can transfer information access to other users.
B. Put it in quotes if it is directly quoted as is and cite the source. You should likely also list the source in the works cited but not the phrase itself.
cannot be used outside of its intented purpose
Explanation: python keywords are special reserved words that have specific meanings and purposes and can't be used for anything but those specific purposes