d) All of these were not true
All the options above were all questioned by the Brelands. Instinctive drift as coined by Keller and Marian Breland who were former students of B. F skinner, asserted that operant conditioning theory wasn't true after their work on instinctive drift. Instinctive drift, a direct opposition to the operation conditioning theory of Skinner since an animal could still revert to unconscious behaviour after learning under operant conditioning.
thinking involves the engagement of the thinker in rational deliberation and a
systematic or methodical investigation of facts and reasons. Such postulations
normally consist of a number of premises and a conclusion. The premises provide
reasons in support of the conclusion or position taken by the argument. This
can facilitate rational evaluation of philosophical claims.</span>
What haourt of Appeals for the Federal Circuit brings the number of federn which lawyers lay out the case for the judges prior to oral arguments in court.
Classical conditioning involves associating an involuntary response and a stimulus, while operant conditioning is about associating a voluntary behavior and a consequence.04-Jun-2020
Classical conditioning involves associating an involuntary response and a stimulus, while operant conditioning is about associating a voluntary behavior and a consequence.04-Jun-2020