Rivers have always played an important role because they gave a windows of opportunity for a civilization to build and expand its influence and power through trading and just having a source of life near to it; namely a big river.
The Great Awakening was a religious revival in the 1730's and 1740's. It was particularly influential in the New England colonies, and sparked renewed religiouse activity in america. Many preachers were involved, including George Whitefeild, and Jonathan Edwards, who preached the famouse sermon, "Sinners in the hands of an Angry God." Many of the branches of christianity that were most affected by the great awakening (Including Baptists, Methodists, and Presbyterians) were among those that most supported the American Revolution. Furthermore, the enthusiasm and dedication to religious ideals and the social.and political ideoligy that often came with these contributed to the push for American nationalism and the activism that enabled it to occure. So, it not only changed the religious make-up of America and inspired people to turn to jesus,but also it was one of the factors that influenced the American Revolution that occured just decades later.
Political independence refers to a lack of allegiance to any one ideology or political party.
One way to strengthen democracy as a system is to address such conduct and its potential future mass expansion.
A fundamental structural and procedural adjustment will be made to the major participants in the democratic system, the parties, if the rise of the politically independent becomes a trend. They will be converted into political hubs for coming up with new ideas. They will evolve into data and marketing banks for public opinion, as well as labs for creating approaches for resolving socially relevant problems.
Democracy as a system of the sort that humanity has been accustomed to over the past 200 years will eventually change as a result of this.
A majority of politically independent voters, who will demand more meaning from party policies and real responsibility from elected officials, will replace cohorts of disciplined party members. Recalling unsuccessful politicians will become commonplace, and the frequency of national and municipal referendums will increase.
The parties might undergo such a metamorphosis, becoming open public forums for discourse and societal advancement.
I don’t know what you mean