The effort to produce genetically improved humans through selective breeding arose in the 20th century as a way to improve the human race by encouraging the "desired and healthiest" (people deemed the fittest, according to their criteria) to have more children.
On the other hand, the ethical concerns rose since minorities or whole ethnic groups were seen as inferior and undesired to live in the world.
Perpahs the extreme of this came when the national socialist defended with similar arguments the idea of a human species the so-called "Arian race", that would ultimately be free of diseases, disabilities and most undesirable traits that humans were expected to leave behind.
Many of the beliefs of that time have been proben today to be false.
A speech community is a group of people who share a set of linguistic norms and expectations regarding the use of language.[1]
Exactly how to define speech community is debated in the literature. Definitions of speech community tend to involve varying degrees of emphasis on the following:
Shared community membershipShared linguistic communication
Early definitions have tended to see speech communities as bounded and localized groups of people who live together and come to share the same linguistic norms because they belong to the same local community. It has also been assumed that within a community a homogeneous set of normsshould exist. These assumptions have been challenged by later scholarship that has demonstrated that individuals generally participate in various speech communities simultaneously and at different times in their lives. Each speech community has different norms that they tend to share only partially. Communities may be de-localized and unbounded rather than local, and they often comprise different sub-communities with differing speech norms. With the recognition of the fact that speakers actively use language to construct and manipulate social identities by signalling membership in particular speech communities, the idea of the bounded speech community with homogeneous speech norms has become largely abandoned for a model based on the speech community as a fluid community of practice.
A speech community comes to share a specific set of norms for language use through living and interacting together, and speech communities may therefore emerge among all groups that interact frequently and share certain norms and ideologies. Such groups can be villages, countries, political or professional communities, communities with shared interests, hobbies, or lifestyles, or even just groups of friends. Speech communities may share both particular sets of vocabulary and grammatical conventions, as well as speech styles and genres, and also norms for how and when to speak in particular ways.
Answer: My community is like the human body because everyone involved helps to keep the community running. Just like a human body, a human body is compiled of many different parts in order to keep it functioning and well.
The human body and communities are very similar because they both work together in order to keep something functioning. Think of it like this, a community would not be a community without people trying to better it and aid. Same goes for the human body. You wouldn't be alive without all of the functions in your body working to keep you alive.
Hope this helps!
dumping wastes everywhere
using chemical fertilizer
polluting the rivers
shifting cultivation
cutting down of trees
The department of homeland security
Each of the given choices is an agency under the control of the director of national intelligence except The department of homeland security.
Hope it helps!