- Yes it is.
- Ethical issue ⇒ Insider Trading.
Trading on the stock exchange is supposed to be as fair as possible so that every investor has a fair chance of making returns. If a person - like this supervisor - is using information that is material but not publicly disclosed yet to trade on markets, the fairness of the market is compromised because the person will have an edge over other investors which will enable them make unfair profits.
Information on quarterly returns is usually material so we can expect it to be material here as well which means that the supervisor is engaged in insider trading.
Insider trading is not only unethical but also highly illegal. Reporting your supervisor can get them sent to jail.
Its an asset of the household or business.
<span>American Express credit cards and credit cards in general are a type of revolving charge account. Credit cards are regarded as a revolving charge account or revolving credit because if the balance is not paid off by the period specified, it will roll over to the next period (and collect interest), thus "revolving" into the next period. This is how the debt compounds if you are not responsible with your credit cards.</span>
The word that means finding its food is hunting
Okay this question is a little tricky but I think the answer is B because he was one of the authors of the communist manifesto that states that the means of the production (Which is resources and the buildings that make the goods.) is Managed by the government. So that’s why I think it is B have a nice day :D