<span>b The growth of teeth in chickens supports the hypothesis of a common ancestor between birds and reptiles. This is a generally accepted hypothesis, and i'd go with this answer. Obviously we can't say whether chickens will have teeth with certainty, the chickens with teeth are clearly still chickens, and a baby croc isn't hatching out of a chicken egg any time soon.
im sorry but what is that
Oh gosh, thank you! (I feel like this'll get deleted, so here are the answers: Tony Stark became Iron man when he was in like this military place? I don't know the exact details, but when people were trying to fight him he made a suit to fight back. The suit was surprisingly powerful, so he re-made it to be more appealing, light-weight, and stronger.
All he has to do is change into his suit. He doesn't actually have any superpowers, unless you consider being really smart a super power)