Gender-based stereotypes are still prevalent in the workplace. Male
managers often pal around with male subordinates, discussing fantasy
football and weekend golf outings, but keep discussions with women
strictly work-related. At the same time, female managers tend to open up
more with other women in the organization, believing men “just don’t
But as a manager, have you tried to incorporate the opposite sex into the world you think is only for your gender?
John Coffey, president of Winning Careers, worked as a manufacturing
manager for 25 years and recalls a situation that epitomizes unfair
stereotypes between genders.
Managers at a local factory were searching for qualified candidates
to fill positions historically held by males. When women were
interviewed and subsequently hired for these positions, the men who were
doing the jobs resisted the change, making comments about how there was
no way a woman could possibly do the job, the work was too physically
demanding and women just didn’t have the mechanical abilities. If you have choices that wound be helpful.
The Aztecs used aqueducts to carry fresh water
The answer is a. low self-efficacy.
According to Bandura, self-efficacy explains how well a person thinks he can perform a task.
Self-efficacy is linked to social cognitive theory, which implies that our behaviours and reactions are a result of social observation and interactions. This means that a person with low self-efficay is likely to see a challenge as something that can't be overcomed.
The fifteenth amendent of the US constitution
Answer: self-monitoring
What is the self monitoring procedure ?
This is the procedure in which an individual is given an opportunity to control their behaviour in order to ensure that it aligns well with social accepted behaviours.
If a person has a behaviour that has gotten out of hands self-monitoring procedure gives them the ability to ensure that they reduce the effect of this behaviour to atleast minimum or to a level that is acceptable.
Psychologist categorises two types of people when it comes to this procedure there are high self-monitors and low- self monitors.
High self monitors will change their behaviour to please others.
Low-self monitors hold on to their self standards and they remain true to themselves .
So the person who may have a drinking problem will benefit in monitoring a drinking behaviour by monitoring their drinking habits.
Counting the drinks will give them an idea of how much they have drank and that will allow him to monitor his behaviour.