A <u>D. market basket</u> contains thousands of specific items that represent what average urban households purchase month after month.
In economy, this economic market basket's items refers to goods and services purchased. It is used to track price changes over time and determine inflation levels, to help measure the cost of living of a giving group of people and help predict consumer purchase trends.
Some examples of the categories of items found there are food, beverages, housing, apparel, transportation, medical care, and education.
While driven by economic ambitions and a sense that the United States was “destined” to span the entire continent, the war also raised the issue of how acquisition of such a large territory would affect the balance between slave and free states. The congressional response—the Great Compromise of 1850—not only allowed for the possible creation of new slave states, but also placed legal demands upon northerners to aid in the recapture of fugitive slaves.