There are 30 days in April.
If 18 days had rain, it means 12 didn't.
Make sure both fractions can be made into fractions with a denominator of 100:
Divide 180/300 by 3:
This shows that the 18 days that did rain take up 60% of the whole month.
So then the remaining 12 days that didn't have rain must take up 40% of the month.
40% of the days did not have rain during the month of April
no, the numbers do not add up, nor does the triangle have any right angles
Find 15% of $8
Simply do this by multiplying 0.15 and 8
0.15 * 8 = 1.2
This means you left a $1.20 tip on top of your original $8
$8 + $1.20 = $9.20
40 below 0 would be -40 and 20 below 0 would be -20°. So there’s a change of (increase of) 20° that day. It would also make sense if you drew a number line. You would see the interval between -40 and -20 is 20.