The meaning of irony is the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect. In 'The Gift of the Magi' by O. Henry' irony is represented when Jim gives Della the combs after she sold her hair. The story states," For there were the combs -- the special set of objects to hold her hair that Della had wanted ever since she saw them in a shop window. Beautiful combs, made of shells, with jewels at the edge --just the color to wear in the beautiful hair that was no longer hers. They cost a lot of money, she knew, and her heart had wanted them without ever hoping to have them. And now, the beautiful combs were hers, but the hair that should have touched them was gone." This persents irony because she sold her hair, so she couldn't use the combs she longed for.
N = # pounds
$1.65 = price per pound
grapes cost

When you multiply cost/pound by the number of pounds, the result is the cost for however much of the grapes Ryan buys.
m = 1.65n
Women rights are very important for everyone all over the world. It does not just benefit her but every member of society. When women get equal rights, the world can progress together with everyone playing an essential role.
If there weren’t any women rights, women wouldn’t have been allowed to do something as basic as a vote. Further, it is a game-changer for those women who suffer from gender discrimination.
Women rights are important as it gives women the opportunity to get an education and earn in life. It makes them independent which is essential for every woman on earth. Thus, we must all make sure women rights are implemented everywhere.