The question does not provide the excerpt but I an safely answer the question.
Memory of the Tiananmen Square in China is largely suppressed. Very few records of the events exist today, and all of them only present the official government version of the events.
Most people born after 1989 do not even know about the Tiananmen square events, and if they do, it's likely that they knowledge is poor.
It is forbidden to discuss anything related to the Tiananmen square in public and in social media, doing so can get people jailed.
Music was a huge theme for The Harlem writers back then
Thousands of Indians were killed, wounded, or captured and sold into slavery or indentured servitude. Many tribes big and small were decimated.
We have to ensure justice, defend our country and maintain peace.
The Preamble of the United States says that We are the People of the United States who can form a more perfect Union, provide Justice to all the affected people, insure domestic peace, contribute in defense of our country, promote the Welfare of people and development of the country, and secure the Liberty to ourselves and to our future generation. We have to achieve these six goals in order to lead the world and become one of the most powerful nation in the world. We have to provide justice to all people in order promote peace in the society. We have to defend our country whenever it need us.