Only one daemon (server application) can bind to a port. The second one will fail.
Is this like a true or false thing or just a statement?
The correct answer is C:
btOK.setOnAction((ActionEvent e) -> System.out.println("Handle the event"));
The button produces an action once clicked. The setOnAction method indicates what will happen when the button is clicked. Action Event is a type of event that gets processed by EventHandler, which provides the action to be performed by clicking the button (printing out "Handle the event").
Rootkits are malicious software that allows an unauthorized user to access a computer and restricted areas of software. Rootkits are difficult to detect on your computer because it may be able to subvert there that is intended to find it. Rootkits are created by Black-hat hackers to attack your computer and steal.
Rootkit tools:
1. Keyloggers
2. antivirus disablers
3. password stealers
4. banking credential stealers
5. bots for DDoS attacks
Answer: On- demand
On demand CRM system are basically hosted by the external vendor in the vendor data center. CRM is basically stand for customer relationship management.
CRM is a strategy that are used for managing the organisation relationship with the customers.
On demand CRM define as software availability for the customers. It basically connected with the idea of software on demand. The software are modify according to the current requirement and demand.