(1) False, lots of energy is actually produced from nuclear fuel, if we didn't get much then we probably wouldn't use it
(2) False, its burning coal that contributes to acid rain, since it contains sulfur
(3) False again, we can control the reaction with aptly named control rods, which are typically made of boron, to absorb some of the neutrons flying around in the chain reaction
(4) True, radioactive waste is very difficult to dispose of, and is also very dangerous. Sources of radiation can remain so for millions of years
It really depends on the 'type' of rock it is. By this I mean whether it's impermeable or permeable. Impermeable rocks don't allow water through and permeable rocks do. It has to do with how 'porous' a rock is: how many openings it has and how spaced apart are its particles are. Sandstone is permeable and Shale impermeable.
Gases take the shape of their container and have no definite volume because they can diffuse indefinitely. Answer C.
H :) (I tried sorry if im wrong)