The answer is "WWW".
WWW stands for World Wide Web, It is a combination of all Internet resources and users, that uses the hypertext transfer protocol. It provides world information that is available on the internet that is the expression of human knowledge. It is also known as a domain name that introduces resources or individual instances of the entire collection.
<u>Virus outbreaks in an organization:</u>
In an organization end user who uses the computer or laptop or workstation is not aware of virus outbreaks. So As IT administrator of an organization she/he has aware of latest virus attack and rectification solution before outbreaks.
Common causes for this virus outbreaks problem is update virus definition or database. Update operating system patches on regular basis.
Installation appropriate anti-virus in each workstation or desktop or laptop and scheduling virus scanning and take necessary steps.
To address and troubleshoot disconnect workstation and desktop or laptop from LAN. Uninstalled unnecessary software, delete temp folder contents.
Answer: Window OS
Based on the information given, it should be noted that the students who plan to study graphic design should consider the Window OS platform since it is considered to be the industry standard in those fields.
Microsoft Windows, also refered to as the Windows OS, is a computer operating system that's developed by Microsoft to run personal computers. It has the first graphical user interface and also, the Windows OS dominates the personal computer market.
B: Audience interest around different topics.
When using Google Ads, and the main aim is to create a campaign for a particular marketing activity, there are several options that makes Google Ads the ideal application for this purpose. However, choosing similar audiences under the targeting option is simply telling google to find users or audiences that are interested in the different topics, but are in one way or the other connected to your marketing activity or campaign.
Los ejemplos en los que se utilizan máquinas de aire comprimido incluyen
Donde se utilizan máquinas de aire comprimido incluye;
1) Compresor de aire, que es un dispositivo que utiliza energía mecánica para almacenar aire a presión, como
i) Aire obtenido en una gasolinera
ii) Aire presurizado utilizado para bombear neumáticos con una bomba de bicicleta manual
2) Equipo de ejercicio neumático, que previene ligeramente el movimiento mediante el uso de cilindros llenos de aire
Los ejemplos incluyen máquinas de entrenamiento de resistencia y máquinas de entrenamiento elípticas.
3) Instrumentos musicales neumáticos que producen sonido debido al movimiento del aire en las tuberías. El ejemplo incluye el órgano de tubos
4) Algunas madres lactantes utilizan máquinas neumáticas en los extractores de leche para proporcionar leche materna almacenada a los bebés que el niño puede tomar mientras la madre no está
5) Se conecta una pistola de aire a una fuente o máquina de aire comprimido para proporcionar aire presurizado cuando sea necesario