triceps brachii muscle
The prime mover of elbow extension is the triceps brachii muscle, and is assisted by the much smaller anconeus muscle. All anterior (front) arm muscles cause elbow flexion. These muscles are the biceps brachii, brachialis and brachioradialis.
thank me later
Answer: If both the parents have blue eyes, there are 99% chances that the baby will have blue eyes.
dormant (Haven't erupted in 4/6yrs
Squirrels will emigrate and leave the population.
Hope this helps
The correct order of events is:
C) Nicotine binds to the transmembrane protein that normally binds the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
A) The acetylcholine receptor is an ion channel, and when a ligand binds, the ion channel opens.
B) An influx of ions carries the signal to the reward areas of the brain.
D) The signal causes release of dopamine in the brain, which causes good feelings.
E) Nicotine is quickly eliminated from the body (causing cravings for more cigarettes to produce good feelings).
Nicotine acts on acetyl cholinergic receptors that are located in membranes of the midbrain neurons. Nicotine can activate those receptors or block them more efficiently than acetylcholine. Stimulation of nicotinic receptors leads to an increase in ions flow that reaches the brain and causes dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens through axonal prolongations of the dopaminergic pathway. This response is responsible for the smoker´s recompense sensation.
The dopaminergic pathway is the most important way in the process of nicotine dependence and addiction to the drug.