Answer: The drug abuse is influenced by the environment and exerts influence on the gene expressions.
The genetic make up of the person is decides, which genes will be expressed and develop a trait in an individual. But this genetic expression can be influenced by the environmental factors like food, exposure to sunlight, and others. This study which relate environment with the genetic make up is called epigenetics. No person is drug addict by birth but the consumption of drug can influence the genetic make up and traits in a abuser. So here, the environment is influencing the genetic basis of a abuser.
Nitrogen Fixation: Root and Bacteria Interactions. Nitrogen is an important macronutrient because it is part of nucleic acids and proteins. ... The most important source of BNF is the symbiotic interaction between soil bacteria and legume plants, including many crops important to humans.
Silencers are the position and orientation free sequences that are present outside the protein-coding sequence of a gene. Silencers serve as a binding site for some transcriptional regulatory proteins that tend to inhibit gene expression. Binding of these "repressor" proteins to the silencers inhibits the gene expression.
The deletion of silencers from DNA would increase the rate of the gene expression as the inhibitory transcription regulatory proteins do not have binding sites to inhibit the gene expression. Therefore, the deletion of silencer sequences of the beta-globin gene would have caused the increased rate of its expression.