Fishing down the food web is the process whereby fisheries in a given ecosystem, "having depleted the large predatory fish on top of the food web, turn to increasingly smaller species, finally ending up with previously spurned small fish and invertebrates".
The nurses auscultated for heart sounds in the area of Erb point.
The fifth point of auscultation for the heart test, known as "Erb's point," which is occasionally given to the eminent German neurologist Wilhelm Heinrich Erb (1840–1921) without any supporting documentation, is positioned in the third intercostal gap near the sternum. At the third intercostal gap and the left lower sternal border is the auscultation location for heart sounds and heart murmurs known as Erb's point.
The spinal accessory nerve in the posterior nerve triangle is located at Erb's point (also known as the great auricular nerve) at the location where it enters the trapezius muscle. At the end of expiration, the third intercostal gap on the left (Erb's point) is often the ideal place to detect the murmur of aortic regurgitation because it is quiet, high-pitched, early diastolic and decrescendo.
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seems you forgot the "followings" but here are some known limiting factors
Exercise,Physiology, Mindset, Nutrition and Genetics.
Clumped dispersion is often due to an uneven distribution of nutrients or other resources in the environment. It can also be caused by social interactions between individuals. Additionally, in organisms that don't move, such as plants, offspring might be very close to their parents and show clumped dispersion patterns.