1. multiplying two numbers when you meant to add them - Logical Error
2. dividing by zero - Compile time error
3. semi colon at the end of a programming statement - Logical error
4. wrong in output - Run time error
5. when you should have typed a - Compile time error
6. producing inaccurate results - Logical error or Run time error
Compile time error is a lack in computer programming which causes to violate the rules which are defined by user in the program.
Run time error produces wrong outputs. It causes lags in the softwares which makes the output inefficient. It even causes programs crash when the output is just seconds away.
Logical error is the situation where programs completes the task assigned but with the wrong syntax. The output is produced with some abnormality.
It stands for Chief Risk Officer
,홀로 ㅛㅍㅍ 내 ㅍ. 냐 ㅑㅇㄹ ㅑ 덮고 ㅇ ㅗㅗ묙 ㅗㄴ ㄴ
소 묘 뉴 ㅕㅁ ㅣ 홈 ㅛ ㅑㅍㄴ. ㅕ 이 ㅕㅁ ㅛ ㅁ 포 ㅛ ㄴ ㅕ 여 あか
<span>There should be no need to have white-collar employers just next to factories thanks to the Information Revolution, and it enabled executives to stay in home, write documents, and send them easily.</span>
The answer to this question is the PET scan. Positron
Emission Tomography or PET scan is an imaging test that checks and trace for
diseases in the body. This also shows how the body organs is functioning /
working. The doctor can evaluate the function of the patients body by the 3D
color images produced by the PET Scan.