759,000 (60,000 free)
The number of enslaved and free blacks rose from 759,000 (60,000 free) in the 1790 US Census to 4,450,000 (11% free or 480,000) a 580% increase in the 1860.....
John Locke believed that humans had natural rights
He believed that people had their right when they were born and no one could take it away
I want to say that biology is the answer.
you can get an illness that is triggered by stress. That's the simplest way I can explain it.
Japan agreed to Commodore Perry's trade treaty because of the military threat. Japan was well aware that they were faced by an adversary who had a stronger military than Japan and so they had to bow down to the wishes of Commodore Perry. It did not matter whether Japan liked it or not, they had no other alternative.
They protect justices from political pressure.
The justices' main role is to evaluate laws and decide on cases between two or more parties according to the law. They hold hearings, discuss the cases and come to a conclusion. And in order to impartially carry this task, they are given lifetime appointments so that they do not feel pressured to gain people's vote when running for re-election and the pressure to determine cases based on what people would like. Instead, they are expected to decide cases objectively, according to the law.