I guess the word in the blank is Standardization.
Human systems integration (HSI), a supportability issue that every program should consider, addresses such factors as accessibility, visibility, testability, and Standardization.
Ctrl+Q is used to remove a paragraph's formatting
Hope that's the answer you're looking for!
Open the presentation that you want to add a slide to.
In the pane that contains the Outline and Slides tabs, click Slides, and then click where you want to add a slide.
The following are the description of storing bits into Hard-disk.
As we know computer only know the binary language, that is in the form of zero's and once's "0's and 1's". In the hard drive, it requires a magnetically covered rotating disc, that's "head" passes over its platter.
- It marked 0's and 1's on the platter as tiny electronic areas in the north.
- Its head goes to the very same location to read its information again, the north and south places pass there and assume from the 0s and 1s which are contained.
See explaination
# shapes.py
import math class Circle: def __init__(self, radius = 0): self.__radius = radius self.__area = math.pi * self.__radius ** 2 self.__circumference = 2 * math.pi * self.__radius def set_radius(self, radius): self.__radius = radius self.__area = math.pi * self.__radius ** 2 self.__circumference = 2 * math.pi * self.__radius def get_radius(self): return self.__radius def get_area(self): return self.__area def get_circumference(self): return self.__circumference class Rectangle: def __init__(self, length = 0, breadth = 0): self.__length = length self.__breadth = breadth self.__calc_area() self.__calc_perimeter() def __calc_area(self): self.__area = self.__length * self.__breadth def __calc_perimeter(self): self.__perimeter = 2 * (self.__length + self.__breadth) def set_length(self, length): self.__length = length self.__calc_area() self.__calc_perimeter() def set_breadth(self, breadth): self.__breadth = breadth self.__calc_area() self.__calc_perimeter() def get_length(self): return self.__length def get_breadth(self): return self.__breadth def get_area(self): return self.__area def get_perimeter(self): return self.__perimeter
# testShapes.py (Main program)
import shapes if __name__ == "__main__": print("a. Circle") print("b. Rectangle") choice = input("\nChoose a Shape to continue: ") if choice == "a": radius = int(input("\nEnter Radius of the Circle: ")) myCircle = shapes.Circle(radius) print("\nArea of Circle:", myCircle.get_area()) print("Circumference of Circle:", myCircle.get_circumference()) reset = input("Do you want to change Radius (y/n): ") if reset == "y" or reset == "Y": radius = int(input("\nEnter new Radius of the Circle: ")) myCircle = shapes.Circle(radius) print("\nArea of Circle:", myCircle.get_area()) print("Circumference of Circle:", myCircle.get_circumference()) elif choice == "b": length = int(input("\nEnter length of Rectangle: ")) breadth = int(input("Enter breadth of Rectangle: ")) myRectangle = shapes.Rectangle(length, breadth) print("\nArea of Rectangle:", myRectangle.get_area()) print("Perimeter of Rectangle:", myRectangle.get_perimeter()) reset = input("Do you want to change Length and Breadth (y/n): ") if reset == "y" or reset == "Y": length = int(input("\nEnter new length of Rectangle: ")) breadth = int(input("Enter new breadth of Rectangle: ")) myRectangle = shapes.Rectangle(length, breadth) print("\nArea of Rectangle:", myRectangle.get_area()) print("Perimeter of Rectangle:", myRectangle.get_perimeter()) else: print("Invalid choice!!! \'", choice, "\'\nExiting...")