The CPU could cycle the bits 2000000000 a second. That means theoretically it could process 16 gigabytes of data a second.
which parts are you talking about
Option 4
Option 4 is the best cus confronting is better than just watching and letting it happen which in option 2 that's the case
B. Animal
Just took the test on Plato
Superfetch is a memory management technique on windows service that enables or fetch frequently use applications on systems and launch them faster because the frequently use applications has been preload into the system memory for easy access when they want to be used.
SuperFetch always takes notice of all application running on your system in which when you exit a frequently used application SuperFetch will preload them immediately since it is saved on the system memory.
One of the most important part of Superfetch is that it saves alot of time because you don't have to search the applications before you get access to them in as far as the application was frequently used.