Rabbits tend to wander a lot and if it runs into weed or grass... well it eats it. eating weed or grass allows rabbits to gain more energy. if the supplies of grass and or weed increases the population of rabbits would increase too. the more they eat the more energy the have and the more energy the have the more they reproduce.
more power = more reproduction
more reproduction = increase in population
so all in all the more weed, the better it is for rabbits since the amount of food increases
Should be called the Manubrium!
Since most fungi and decomposers are Saptotrops, The answer is most likely A; Saprobic.
two factors that determine range are,
in constant flux as abiotic and biotic
factors change overtime Abiotic factors - temperature, rainfall, the presence
of geographical structures like mountains and oceans, and large scale ongoing
and historical process such as continental drift Biotic factors - past and
current presence of other species that provide habitat, food, or competition Ranges
are dynamic