In cellular respiration it is a positive term, a process vital to life. But photorespiration is an entirely negative term because it represents a severe loss to the process of using light energy in photosynthetic organisms to fix carbon for subsequent carbohydrate synthesis.
Darwin proposed the theory of natural selection to explain the process of evolution. According to Darwin’s theory of natural selection, all organisms have the potential to reproduce limitlessly irrespective of the fact that each species maintain a constant density over time. However, the struggle for existence, i.e. the competition among individuals for available resources to survive and reproduce, put a check on species density (D) and maintains it at a constant level (B). Survival of fittest is unequal ability of individuals to survive and reproduce based on suitability of their inherited characters to prevailing environmental conditions (A). It imparts the reproductive advantage to certain organisms which account for major part of the gene pool of the species. Thus, natural selection favors the individual with survival and/or reproductive advantage over others under existing environmental condition (E). Thus, the correct answer is option C.
I feel dead……………zzzzzzzzzz
•Variation: Organism shows variation within a population, these variation could be body size, facial marks, hair color, number of offspring, etc. Also some features shows little or no variation, for example the number of eyes a vertebrate have, etc
•Inheritance: Certain traits are always passed from parents to their offsprings, these traits are called HERITABLE TRAITS. But traits that are exhibited as a result of an environment are termed weak heritable traits.
•High rate of population growth: When the number of offsprings produced in a year is greater than the resources within an environment, such population will experience high rate of mortality.
•Differential Survival and reproduction: The ability possessed by an individual to struggle for survival within it's environment will give rise to more offspring in the next generation.