Physical wellness encompass EATING WELL.
Eating well means eating healthy and nutrient rich food, mostly vegetables and fruits.
Drinking healthy drinks like milk, fresh fruit juices, and tea.
Physical wellness also include doing exercises. We need to sweat out the toxins inside our bodies to maintain equilibrium and to ensure that we will not be sickly or easily infected with viruses and sickness.
Being a barb purrrrrrrrrrrrr...
In logic, arguments aren't described as true, rather, arguments are used to prove the validity of something.
In this situation, participants:
Believed in diagnostic information but they simply didn't pay attention to the base rate.
- Kahneman and Tversky did experiments in the fields of psychology.
- The base rate is such a phenomenon in the field of psychology which tells us that certain number of population will show certain characteristics. So, in our case the base rate is the information that proportion of people in the overall population who are lawyers or engineers.
- But the participants made judgments about the likelihood that certain people with certain characteristics were lawyers or engineers.
Answer: Selection
The perception process is a series of steps that include the selection of stimuli, the organization of that data, and the interpretation of it.
Selection is the first step, and it refers to deciding what to attend to, eventhough if that decision is unconscious or intentional.
The attended stimulus refers to that one specific thing in the environment, such as this question, that we can choose to attend.