Nanotechnology deals with incredibly small things on the nanoscale.
Answer: While algorithms are generally written in a natural language or plain English language, pseudocode is written in a format that is similar to the structure of a high-level programming language. Program on the other hand allows us to write a code in a particular programming language.
A. True.
Programming languages are computer based languages used to pass instructions or task that can be interpreted to machine language, which can be understood by the computer system. Low level programming language and high level programming language are the two categories of program languages.
Low level languages use low level commands. They use processor instruction sets and primitive opcodes for their instruction syntax. Example of a low level language is Assembly language.
High level languages are English based and more complex in its compilation.
Examples of The file formats used for importing and exporting data from open office are:
- Open Document formats (.ods and .ots )
- Impress
- star-writer formats ( .sdw,.sgl and .vor)
In open-office base you can import data from a Database file ( C )
you can export to a spreadsheet ( A )
An open-office base is a fully designed desktop database management system. it is designed to serve a very large number of users especially in a firm. it can be used to track personal CD's and even used to produce monthly/yearly sales report for any department in the firm.
It is designed with JAVA as the programming language and it can run on most operating systems like: Linux windows and Mac