Sample size
In the study the population is known as the sample size. Sample size is defined as the number of samples measured which are used in a survey.
The random picking of 500 people of that age to fill out her survey to describe the attitudes of all 18-year-old Houstonians concerning the legalization of marijuana is known as the sample size of the survey.
The electronic toy industry will be no more in business in near future
The reason is that the japanese electronic toy companies are larger companies than that of the french toy companies. So if France is letting japanese companies to sell their products to france, which means the local toy industry will suffer. If France wants to develop this industry to international level then the govenment will have to invest on it and use trade barriers to safeguard this infant industry.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Students' motivation and school performance tend to decrease when they enter secondary school.
National data show that students from low-income families are 2.4 times more likely to drop out than those from middle-income families and 10.5 times more likely than those from high-income families. hindrance. Students with disabilities also drop out more frequently.
In a study of the effects of early intensive education on the later academic performance of children in poverty, which intervention had the greatest impact on high school performance? have been shown to perform worse in school than their peers.
Many students cited personal reasons for dropping out of school, such as finding a job, raising children, or caring for loved ones. Nearly half (45%) said their previous schooling did not prepare them well for high school.
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