[ kon-si-kwens, -kwuhns ]SHOW IPA
See synonyms for: consequence / consequences on
the effect, result, or outcome of something occurring earlier:
The accident was the consequence of reckless driving.
4. Were you able to arrange
5. We are not able to answer
6. Are we able to get
7. I'd love to be able to play
8. We really enjoy being able to swim
just insert the words where they make sense (and change the tenses)
It is dark because Barnardo has trouble seeing the other guard.
This scene takes place at midnight and it is so dark Barnardo cannot see the other guard. Barnardo shows up for his shift, but he can't clearly make out who Francisco is. Francisco has the same problem because instead of answering Barnardo he tells him to identify himself first. They get it figured out and Barnardo begins his shift.