<span>The 350-mile long stretch of water is known as the 'English Channel' in English</span>
Ética vem do grego Ethos, que significa caráter, costume, e é sinônimo de moral. Ao se estudar ética, se estuda o grupo de assuntos morais. Ela é um costume, ou grupo de hábitos exercido por um indivíduo em determinada sociedade, dentro da sua liberdade de expressão e ações. Uma lei, por exemplo, se faz baseada em princípios éticos e deve ser obedecida mediante punição caso não seja seguida. Uma ação ética, no entanto, não está presa a nenhum tipo de obrigatoriedade, mas sim ao caráter da pessoa e surgirá naturalmente de suas ações.
Poderíamos simplificar e dizer que uma pessoa ética é aquela que ama e respeita o próximo (perceba que esta é a diretriz da maioria das religiões) e que, ao fazer o bem para a sociedade, ela está sendo ética de boa moral e costumes. Podemos dividir a ética em vários grupos como ética profissional, ética social, ética individual etc.
Se a ética for aplicada de forma adequada por todos os indivíduos de determinada sociedade poderíamos assumir que esta sociedade possui o melhor modo de conviver e se desenvolver de forma saudável e benéfica para todos.
Identity is a set of acttitudes and characteristics that differentiate us from other people, identity begins to form inside the family nucleus and is determined mainly by the environment in which the individual develops, then adolescence shows up and society comes into play, there we adopt other values and even modify some of our own, the society in which we develop will tell us which values are more accepted than others, but when we reach adulthood, we are a little more capable of determining what we accept and what we don´t, but our identity has already formed.
Answer: The Aztecs were violent.
Military campaigns accompanied the very rise of the Aztec civilization. Aztec tribal leaders undertook a series of campaigns to strengthen their influence. Many tribes were turned into vassals who paid tribute to them. Aztec religious beliefs led to many violent deaths. They believed that the gods would bring doom if they did not often sacrifice people, and for this purpose, they often used prisoners of war and members of smaller tribal communities.
Throughout history, they have served as a mercenary army to other cities and states, and over time they have become so strong that they have attacked their masters and become absolute rulers. The state's very structure was militaristic and implied constant expansion, which led to a large number of victims. Many conquered peoples had to pay high taxes, and the Aztecs kept proper records of it. All these factors are proof that the Aztecs were a violent civilization.
The correct answer is : Sergio is not liable for Sarah's injuries
In this situation in regards to liability, Sergio is probably not liable for Sarah's injuries because he was assuring the contract to be done. Remember that a contract is an agreement between different parties and the responsibilities were set. In this case, Sergio is not responsible for the incident and they didn't agree on injuries, just in mowing.