A.they are chemically different substances
Drugs and medicines are two different thing though pepole tends to use the word interchangeably. Drugs are not considered as medicine because of the <em>fact that they are chemically different substances. </em>
Some drugs gives people the hallucinating effects instead of to cure, treat or prevent diseases hence the reason why it is banned and a heavy fine given to some caught with it.
Medicine on the other hand, are meant to prevent or cure diseases. most of this could be purchased without the doctors prescription in the pharmacies.
Answer: Objective
The element on a treatment plan that is the most likely to describe what the provider will be doing during the episode of care is "objective".
The objectives in a treatment plan simply refers to the steps or activities that are taken by an individual in order to reach his or her goal. The objectives explain what the individual is expected to do during the treatment.
i wish my work was this easy
just google exercises to work out your heart, your strength and balance
then look up some streches
then write in 2-3 sentences what you wanna do with em
for example-
cardiovascular-1.Burpees2.Jumping Jacks
strength-1.lifting weights.2.pushups,2.gymnastics
flexability-1.Lower back mobiliser2.Standing hamstring stretch
I would like to acomplish a heathlier life for myself now and in the future. For example, doing this now can help me be alot heatlier in the future.
All of the following could be considered health and fitness related careers except a phlebotomist. This would be known to be a doctor who would know a lot about blood and how this would relate to the person its self. And this would be how this would not relate to be <span>considered health and fitness related careers.</span>