Though Rusesabagina was Hutu (his father was Hutu and his mother Tutsi), his wife Tatiana was a Tutsi and his children considered mixed. Due to this, he was unable to escape from the war zone with his family. When the violence broke out, Rusesabagina brought his family to the Hôtel des Mille Collines for safety.
Harlem Renaissance (1918 to 1930)
PBJ with a baseball bat
<span>In the Langston Hughes story 'Why, You Reckon?', both the narrator and the man he meets are hungry. They are both people of color and are considering robbing the next prosperous-looking white man they meet so that they can eat.</span>
It was in the year 1980 that the American Psychiatric Association (APA) recognized PSTD as a mental disorder and was added to the list of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. PSTD stands for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It is a disorder that happens after a person experience a very traumatic event.
Jupiter is a large ball of gas