The deer population will decrease
B. polio—polyhedral shape
A virus is a small parasite which cannot self reproduce. For a virus to produce more viruses, it uses the cell to duplicate itself. Viruses contain RNA or DNA as their genetic material.
Poliovirus is composed of an RNA genetic material and it is responsible for Polio. Polio leads to paralysis and is transmitted through contaminated water or food, or contact with an infected person.
The shape of Poliovirus is formed by polyhedral (many-sided) shell or capsid.
Nitrogen fixing bacteria in the soil and within root nodules of some plants convert nitrogen gas on the atmosphere to ammonia.
Nitrifying- bacteria convert ammonia to nitrites.
Polytene chromosomes may be defined as the giant chromosomes that contain alternate dark and light bands when view under the microscope. These chromosomes are found in the salivary gland of Drosophila.
These glands are functionally highly active and contain thousand of DNA strands. These chromosomes are aligned parallel with each other as the replication is normal but the cells are unable to separate and fails to undergo the process of cytokinesis.