Mohs hardness scale is a scale comparing hardness of rocks. There are 10 marker rocks 1-10. They are used to find the relative hardness of the other rocks.
Because scientist found another criteria for classifying organisms such as their DNA composition
Evidences that Taxonomy uses to group or categorizes species range from <span><span>
1. </span>"Fossil Records</span> <span><span>
2. </span>Comparative anatomy</span> <span><span>
3. </span>Comparative embryology</span>
4. Biochemical information <span><span>
5. </span>Cellular structure</span> <span><span>
6. </span>Behavior</span>"
<span>We also suggest that taxonomy has played various roles mainly in many aspects in Zoology, Botany, Anatomy and Physiology –aspects that include animal and human structures and functions. As the biotic community is so diverse it is classified to Biodiversity and the existence of properly assorting by set standard. </span>
<span>Adenosine triphosphate or ATP is a way to store and use energy in the food we eat. If there is not enough ATP, this could lead to lesser oxygen in the cell on the food; hence, this will affect the energy that we can get from a certain food.</span>
Phloem is the food conducting tissue that has a two-way flow.
Plants prepare food on their own and plants also have conductive cells that carry out transportation process. Plants are divided into two types based on their conductive system i.) vascular plants ii.) non vascular plants.
Vascular plants are those plants which have special conductive cells called phloem and xylem.
Xylem transports water from roots of the plants to other parts of plants and also provides mechanical support to plant. It is uni-directional.
Phloem is the food conducting tissue that transports food to plant and also have bi-directional movement.
We have an internal skeleton and a grasshopper has an external skeleton.