Turkey. - Total refugees: 3,681,658.
Pakistan. - Total refugees: 1,404,008.
Uganda. - Total refugees: 1,165,636.
Sudan. - Total refugees: 1,078,275.
D. Referendum
If citizens are unhappy if a piece of legislation and want it struck down they have the right to call a referendum. This allows the people to vote on it directly.
MAIN- Militerism, Alliance, Imperialism and Nationalism are the four aspects on which war starts. WW1 happens before the Great Depression so The Great Depression was the result of WW1. WW1 caused many economic problems that affected the civilians since they had to work harder and pay more so they could barely eat. Other countries were also affected as the country wasn’t producing more benefits. So the country couldn’t trade resulting in even more lost of money .
Erik Homburger Erikson was a German-American psychoanalyst who was most famous for coining the phrase “identity crisis”.
He was also a neo-Freudian psychologist who believes in the Freudian theory and added his own ideas and beliefs. His theory of psychosocial development proposes that all people go through a series of eight stages.
During World War II minority groups used to rally under the slogan, "Double V" These two V meant victory against fascism in Nazi Germany and Japanese Imperialismas well as in the United States in terms of equality for African Americans.