Hola, cambiar tu gamertag (el nombre o apodo que te identifica en los juegos de XBox en línea) es muy sencillo. Simplemente debes ingresar al menú principal de tu aplicación XBox App, y una vez allí seleccionar la imagen que te identifica como usuario. Al clickear allí, podrás seleccionar la opción Personalizar, donde se desplegará un menú de opciones dentro de las cuales se encontrará la de cambiar tu gamertag o nombre de usuario. Recuerda que solo podrás cambiar tu gamertag en forma gratuita una única vez.
Full from of RPM in computer is Revolutions Per Minute.
People have been ringing the death knell for email on and off for a few years now. But should we be listening?
The latest peal came from French IT company Atos, which declared that it would phase out internal emails by 2013. And for reasons we’ll all recongize: too much time spent dealing with too many emails, of which too few are useful and too many are spam. CEO Thierry Breton said his staff would instead use good old face-to-face communication, as well as instant messaging (IM) and social media tools.
D, I think. I may be wrong. Someone comment and tell me