In Plato´s allegory, the prisoner who breaks out of the chains and gets out of the cave discovers a completely new reality. Only then does he realize that the shadows he used to see on the wall were less real than the objects that were casting those shadows, meaning that what he thought was real, was only an illusion.
Plato uses this allegory to explain that our senses can only perceive shadows of reality, as reality can only be truly recognized by reason.
In my experience, the illusion of women being less adequate to certain jobs, often found in mass media, was relinquished by gender studies that show the prevalence of gender inequality in the job market.
One reason is that say someone is on bed rest/in the hospital not allowed to move, it can make them very week and make it very hard for them to walk again.
"People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite."
yeah so what do you do just make a story how long does it need to be?